Sunday, July 29, 2012

DXN NutriZhi

DXN NutriZhi

This a review of a product called Nutrizhi. If you are on diet, you can supplement it with nutritious and delicious Nutrizhi for better health and vitality.

It is said that soybean has long been recognized for its health giving benefits. And some findings stated that it is an excellent and rich source of protein and isoflavones. Its protein content is 40% more than any other unprocessed plant foods. In addition, it contains all the eight essential amino acids required for good health.
Nutrizhi is a mixed of soy and malt nutritional beverage available in instant powder form. It is specially prepared from premium quality of non-GMO or nonGenetically Modified Organism certified soybeans cultivated in Heilong Jiang,China. Nutrizhi contains high quality of soy protein, isoflavones, rich in fibers and cholesterol free.